Xi Gua
Xi Gua, Fructus Citrulli, Watermelon
This well-known and beloved fruit known by many names has been consumed by millions of people across the globe for centuries. Archeologists have discovered that the first documented watermelon harvest was in Ancient Egypt over 5,000 years ago!
You are probably aware of the cultural significance of watermelon, especially living in America. However, you may be unaware of the actual, proven health benefits that come from this refreshing treat.
Xi Gua
Known in Mandarin as Xi Gua, this fruit has a long history with Traditional Chinese Medicine. In TCM, the fruit, rind, and seeds are all used to benefit patients suffering from a variety of issues. It effects the spleen and stomach meridians.
In China, the rinds are cooked or pickled and consumed as a tasty treat!
Hydrating Properties
This time of year it is especially important to make sure you are staying hydrated. The most notable of these benefits may be the hydrating properties of watermelon. In fact, the high water content of this fruit (about 92%) makes it known as a great option for staying cool in hot summer heat!
Full of nutrients and water, eating this fruit is a great way to remain hydrated and feel full without actually consuming a large volume of food. This makes it ideal for draining summer activities.
What about the seeds?
The seeds are often ground up and taken in combination with other herbs. These seeds are known to work as a diarrhetic, and may even help soothe Urinary Tract Infections. Watermelon is a pretty amazing fruit!
Likewise, who doesn’t love a good watermelon seed spitting contest?
As if that wasn’t impressive enough, there is evidence to suggest that this magical fruit may even help prevent cancer and heart disease!
Watermelon makes you beautiful! In other words, due to it’s hydrating and nutritious properties, watermelon is great for skin and hair. Who doesn’t want that extra shine?
A few more of the many benefits linked to this wonder fruit are inflammation, muscle soreness, and digestion help.
Hungry yet?
In conclusion, check out the links down below for some more in-depth information, then go to your local market and pick up a watermelon!
Here you can find more tips regarding Taking Care of your Body during the hot summer months.